In September 2010, the World Bank established the Integrity Compliance Office (ICO), which is an independent office located in the institution’s Integrity Vice Presidency (INT). The ICO engages collaboratively with entities that are sanctioned by the World Bank as they work toward meeting their conditions for release from sanction, such as the implementation of integrity compliance measures. The head of the ICO, the World Bank's Integrity Compliance Officer, is responsible for independently determining whether the sanctioned entities have met their respective conditions for release. For more information on the work of the ICO, please visit: Integrity Compliance at the World Bank.
In connection with the establishment of the ICO, the World Bank adopted the Integrity Compliance Guidelines, which aim to provide practical direction to entities seeking to develop new, enhance existing, and/or implement integrity compliance measures in their own operations. The Integrity Compliance Guidelines are a reflection of internationally recognized standards and best practices in corporate ethics and compliance. When an entity’s release from WB sanction is conditioned on the development of integrity compliance measures, the ICO reviews how the design and implementation of such measures reflect the relevant principles set out in the Integrity Compliance Guidelines, while also considering the sanctioned entity’s prior misconduct and particular circumstances (e.g., size, corporate structure, risk profile). Further information about the Integrity Compliance Guidelines is available on INT’s website, where copies of the Integrity Compliance Guidelines also are available in 8 languages. Additional relevant guidance can be found in the Multilateral Development Bank General Principles for Business Integrity Programmes.
Finally, a general description of the World Bank's sanctions system, including the ICO’s role, can be found online here.