Networking Hub



The Networking Hub is a publicly available web-based platform through which users can connect with each other to exchange knowledge and experience related to integrity compliance. The intent is to simply facilitate a meeting place, with the development objective of growing a collective force to promote business integrity.

Each of the companies and entities listed has voluntarily agreed to display information about itself and to be contacted for potential networking in the integrity compliance area. The list is sortable based on factors such as languages spoken, locations of operation, business sector, and others. Please feel free to contact any of the companies or individuals listed if you are interested in discussing integrity compliance.

If you are interested in adding your company to the list, please send us an email at: AskICKH [at] Please note that the list is intended for companies and entities that wish to voluntarily exchange information about integrity compliance, at no fee, not for entities that wish to market any paid services. By agreeing to have its information uploaded, the company agrees to be contacted by users of this webpage.



Company Name and Sector Headquarters Country and City Other Countries of Operation Primary Language of Operation Other Languages of Operation Areas of particular integrity compliance expertise Links to publicly available integrity compliance documents Contact persons and information Small or Medium-Sized Company? State-Owned or Controlled?
Ultra Technologies

(Information Technologies)

Azeri English, Turkish, Russian

Procurement procedures, Relations to Government officials, Relations with multinational leaders of IT industry such as HPE, CİSCO, DELL, HP İnc, Microsoft and others …

Zaur Mammadzada,
+99450 2001978 
zm [at]

Yes No
China Machinery Industry Construction Group Inc. (SINOCONST)

(Engineering Contracting)


Algeria, Bahamas, Cameroon, Indonesia

Chinese English

Employees Code of Conduct, Due Diligence on Business Partners, Cash Payment, Gifts and Hospitality, Donations and Sponsorships, Bidding, Contracts, Internal Investigation, Risk Evaluation, Compliance Audit, Training 

Mr. Li Qijie
liqijie [at]

No Yes
Siemens AG

(Industry, infrastructure, transport, and healthcare)

(Berlin and Munich)

All around the world

English, German Local languages

Compliance Management Systems, Risk Management, Collective Action and Integrity Initiatives

Julianne Altieri  
Shawn Teixeira

No No
Bouygues Construction

(Construction industry)


International and in particular France, Australia, UK,  Switzerland, Hong Kong, Thailand, Philippines, Ivory Coast, Morocco.

French English, German

Anti-corruption, collusive practices, Modern slavery

Head of compliance department (dpo [at]

No No
Halcom Vietnam

(Consulting Investing)



English, Vietnamese

Corporate Compliance Program

Mr. Phan Dang Hoan - Integrity Director, 
Tel: +84 (0)2435624709, 
Email: hoan.pd [at] (hoan[dot]pd[at]halcom[dot]vn)

Yes Yes
Berky GmbH

(Mechanical Engineering)

(Haren (Ems))

USA, Singapur

German English

SME Compliance Introduction

Felix Knoll, Managing Director, f.knoll [at]

Yes No

(General Consulting Firm)

Indonesian English

Integrity compliance on consulting firm practice 

Bambang Soendaroe

Yes No

(Engineering Services)


USA, UK, Ireland, Peru, Brazil, India, UAE, Saudi Arabia, China, Australia, Singapore,  Egypt, Qatar, Romania  

English, French Local languages

Culture, Training, Communications, Third party due diligence, Governance, Investigations, Conflict of Interest, Program assessment, Duty to report, Monitoring

Hentie Dirker, Chief ESG and Integrity Officer

No No
China Jiangsu International Economic and Technical Cooperation Group.Ltd

(International Contracting; Domestic Contractiong; Urban Development &Investment; International Trade)


Angola, Mauritius, Ethiopia, Zambia

Chinese English

Anti-Bribery and Corruption, Risk Management and Internal Audits, Ethics and Conduct Codes Development, Compliance Training and Education, Due Diligence and Business Partner Management, Conflict of Interest Policies, Whistleblower Protections and Policies

Shi Yin Lou
Head of the Legal and Compliance Department of China Jiangsu International Economic and Technical Cooperation Group, Ltd
E-mail: shiyinlou [at]

No Yes
Yooshin Engineering Corporation

(Civil Engineering)
South Korea


Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, etc.

Korean English

World Bank Integrity Compliance Program 
ISO 37001 ABMS Certification

Chung Hwan Kim, Chief Compliance Officer
chungkim [at]; [at]

Yes No




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  • The information on this webpage has been provided by the companies and entities listed. The World Bank has not edited or verified any of the information displayed, and the World Bank has not conducted any assessment or vetting of the companies and entities or the information displayed. 
  • Users of the information, the Networking Hub, or any other information or resources connected with this webpage assume all risk associated with such use, including any legal, reputational, economic, or other risks. 
  • The companies and entities listed on this webpage are not affiliated with the World Bank, and the World Bank does not endorse any of them. Please note that the companies and entities listed on this webpage are independent of and external to the World Bank, and thus the World Bank and its staff cannot and do not make any representations about any such companies or entities. The World Bank and its staff specifically disclaim any representations, express or implied, about any of the companies or entities listed on this webpage or otherwise involved in or connected with this webpage, including but not limited to any representations about their capabilities, their legal status, or how they might handle any sensitive information or data that may be provided to them.
  • Any advice or information that may be provided by any of the companies or entities listed is made independently of the World Bank and should not be attributed to the World Bank.
  • Nothing on this webpage constitutes a limitation upon or waiver of the privileges and immunities of any World Bank entity or its officers, directors, and employees, which are specifically reserved. Without limitation to the foregoing, all users of this webpage acknowledge and agree that neither any World Bank entity nor any of its officers, directors, or employees is subject to any liability or claims (monetary or equitable) arising out of or related to this webpage; and that no legal or other action may be brought against any World Bank entity or any of its officers, directors, or employees in any national court, arbitration proceedings, or other forum (be it judicial or administrative in nature) in connection with this webpage.
  • Users of this webpage should not rely on the information provided for any purpose other than internal consideration as to potential integrity compliance-related networking. This tool does not contain a complete collection of every company or entity that may be available to exchange knowledge and information about integrity compliance.